Ezine UA

Ukraine expects to use the F-16 on the battlefield in February

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In Ukraine, it is believed that with American training starting this month or next, several Ukrainian fighter pilots could be ready to fly as early as February.

The US can train experienced Ukrainian pilots who speak English in just five months.

As a representative of the US Department of Defense said, dozens of Ukrainian pilots will begin training in English at the English Language Center of the Military Language Institute at the US Air Force Base Lackland in San Antonio within a few weeks. The pilots, who already speak English, will receive flight training at Morris National Guard Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona, home of the 162nd Airlift Wing.

At the same time, the retired commander of the US ground forces in Europe, Ben Hodges, believes that officials are overly concerned with the level of English proficiency of Ukrainians. He referred to a conversation with a high-ranking Air Force officer who told him in a private conversation that flight training could be completed in just three months, which is two months faster than even the Ukrainians themselves believe.


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