Minister Solsky is suspected of a land scam
by .NABU and SAP stated that the ex-head of the agrarian committee of the Republic of Belarus – the current minister was informed of the suspicion; according to the media, they are talking about Mykola Solsky.
The former chairman of the agrarian committee of the Verkhovna Rada, a current minister, was charged with expropriation of state land worth UAH 291 million and an attempt to expropriate land worth another UAH 190 million. NABU and SAP reported this on Tuesday, April 23.
NABU stated that the criminal group headed by a top official included officials of the State Geocadastre bodies, as well as persons who controlled the activities of these bodies, the so-called "curators".
The participants of the scheme ensured the destruction of documents on the basis of which two state-owned enterprises in the Sumy region had the right to permanent use of land. The regional State Geocadastre drew up an act on the arbitrary occupation of these plots.
With the support of controlled officials of the regional State Geocadastre, the participants of the illegal scheme transferred plots of land to predetermined citizens under the guise of "realizing their right to free land."
As a result of the implementation of the scheme in 2017-2021, the participants of the scheme took possession of 1,250 plots of land with a total area of 2,493 hectares, the value of which at the time of the crime was over UAH 291 million. The extras also attempted to seize 3,282 hectares of land worth about UAH 190 million, but they were prevented by NABU detectives and SAP prosecutors, who conducted searches and seized the plots.
The organizer of the scheme, the current minister, two curators of the State Geocadastre and the person who facilitated the commission of the crime were informed of the suspicion.
Solsky is accused of committing the following crimes:
Привласнення, розтрата майна або заволодіння ним шляхом зловживання службовим становищем (ч. 5 ст. 191 ККУ) Організація кримінального правопорушення або керування його підготовкою чи вчиненням. ч. 3 ст. 27, Замах на кримінальне правопорушення (ч. 3 ст. 15 ККУ).
Currently, suspicions are being served on other participants of the scheme.